ኪስዋሂሊ የራሳችን የአፍሪካዊያን ቋንቋ ነው፣ በዚህም ልንኮራ ይገባል።
Kiswahili is our own African language, and we should be proud of it.
#Mikachavala #swahilination
አንድ አፍሪካ አለን በጂኦግራፊ ከመከፋፈል ይልቅ በአፍሪካዊ መንገድ በኪስዋሂሊ አንድ መሆን እንችላለን።
We have oneafrica instead of dividing by geography we can become one by kiswahili the African way.
#auio #ethiopianswahilicommunity
#yourlanguagematter #kiswahili #oneafrica #africaunite #kiswahililanguage
Kiswahili is our own African language, and we should be proud of it.
#Mikachavala #swahilination
አንድ አፍሪካ አለን በጂኦግራፊ ከመከፋፈል ይልቅ በአፍሪካዊ መንገድ በኪስዋሂሊ አንድ መሆን እንችላለን።
We have oneafrica instead of dividing by geography we can become one by kiswahili the African way.
#auio #ethiopianswahilicommunity
#yourlanguagematter #kiswahili #oneafrica #africaunite #kiswahililanguage
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