2021 Africa Tour Overview and Itinerary for Senegal, the Gambia, Tanzania & Ghana Journey

Africa for the Africans Tour Conference Call January 17, 2021 with Bomani Tyehimba. Welcome to the journey of a lifetime family.
Join our next Journey of a Lifetime to Senegal & The Gambia April 2-12, 2021; Ghana May 24 – June 4, 2021; Tanzania Nov 18 – 29, 2021 and Ghana Dec 24, 2021 - Jan 5, 2022. Visit our website for details on future Africa Tours & Investments at Investments at http://www.africafortheafricans.org. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and get all of the video highlights at https://www.youtube.com/Bomani2007. View our photo galleries on FB https://www.facebook.com/bomani. Twitter https://www.twitter.com/Bomani2010 IG https://www.instagram.com/bomani2015 Email me at afta2010@msn.com or bomittservices@gmail.com Bomani Technology: Service-Support-Consultation. http://www.bomaniitservices.com.
Family please support our GoFundMe so we can build an African Repatriation and Pan-African Community to help our people to come home to Africa. https://www.gofundme.com/repatriation-village-in-ghana

This is the website link for all info, price and more if you are interested in our future community in Ghana. https://www.africafortheafricans.org/index.php/black-star-repatriation-pan-african-community-in-ghana. You can also e-mail Project Organizer Bomani Tyehimba at afta2010@msn.com to talk about all the details.

#TanzaniaTours #Africafortheafricans #AfricaTours #RepatriationtoAfrica #blackpower #nationbuilding #BlackConsciousness #TheJourneyofalifetimetours #TanzaniaRootsTour #Tanzania #TanzaniaCulture #GhanaTours # TheGambiaTours #GambiaTours #Ghana
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