The best street food in Africa







Tamiya EGYPT

Tamiya is a traditional Egyptian dish consisting of rice mixed with lentils and spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg and cumin, which gives it its distinctive flavour. It's usually eaten at breakfast time but can also be served anytime of day as an accompaniment to other dishes.

Nyama choma KENYA

Nyama choma simply means grilled meat in Swahili; it could refer to anything from goat or sheep meat to beefburgers to chicken drumsticks – any kind of meat that's been

the dholl puri from Mauritius

One of the best street food in Africa is the dholl puri from Mauritius. This is a very common snack in Mauritius and you can find it almost anywhere in the country. It’s also very cheap and easy to make so most people make it at home too!

koshary from Egypt

Another very popular street food in Africa is koshary from Egypt. This dish consists of rice, macaroni, lentils, chickpeas and topped off with tomato sauce, onions and garlic sauce – what else does one need? This dish is consumed by rich and poor alike because it has all the nutrients needed for an average meal!

Nyama choma from Kenya

One more popular street food in Africa is nyama choma from Kenya. It consists of grilled meat like beef or lamb which is usually eaten with vegetables like onions and tomatoes (and maybe some salad).

Chichinga – Ghana

Chichinga is a street food of Ghana which can be found in the Northern part of the country. It is also known as gari bread. It is made from cassava flour and water. The dough is then shaped into small balls and deep fried till golden brown

Chfanj Moroccan Donuts

Chfanj donuts are a popular street food in Morocco, especially during Ramadan. The donuts are made by frying dough in oil and then topping them with various sugary toppings such as powdered sugar, honey or sugar. They can also be eaten plain without any topping. Chfanj donuts are usually sold by vendors on the streets of Morocco during Ramadan but they can also be found at supermarkets during other times of the year as well.

Forodhani and Dafu – Zanzibar

Forodhani is a street food that can be found in Zanzibar, East Africa. It consists of rice cooked in coconut milk with spices like cloves, cinnamon sticks and cardamom pods. Dafu on the other hand is a mixture of fish or meat cooked with vegetables over an open fire. This meal is usually served with ugali (maize) or rice

Akara – Nigeria

Akara is a popular Nigerian street food which consists of black-eyed peas that are ground into paste then shaped into balls before being deep fried until golden brown. It can be eaten on its own or served with sauce made from tomatoes, onions, chilies and spices like cayenne pepper

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