The most popular food in Africa

Food is the most important aspect of any culture. It’s how we express ourselves, where we come together and how we share our stories. People travel to different countries and continents just to try the food there! And when you travel, what better way to get in touch with a local culture than through its cuisine?

so here the list of the most Popular food in Africa 

The Couscous of Morocco 

Couscous is a North African dish made of semolina and water. It is usually served with meat and vegetables. Couscous makes a good source of protein in your diet,

Chicken Muamba (Angola, SouthAfrica)

Chicken Muamba is a chicken dish that is popular in Angola and South Africa. It can be served with rice or pap (a type of cornmeal porridge).

Chicken Muamba is made with chicken, onions, tomatoes, okra and spices.

Alloco (Ivory Coast)

Alloco is a spicy soup from the Ivory Coast. It’s made from ground peanuts and served with fish, peppers, and tomatoes. The dish has a nutty flavor.

Alloco is popular throughout West Africa but originated in the Ivory Coast.

Genfo Ethiopian porridge

If you've ever enjoyed a bowl of oatmeal, then you know what genfo is. Made from teff flour—a grain grown in Ethiopia and Eritrea—it's served with a spicy sauce called awaze, made from berbere (a spice mixture), butter, and salt. It's eaten for breakfast or dinner and can be served either as a thick porridge or thin soup.

Piri piri chicken, Mozambiqu

Piri piri chicken is a spicy grilled chicken dish from Mozambique. The name comes from the Portuguese “piri-piri”, which means “chili pepper”.

The most popular way to cook it is by rubbing the marinated pieces of chicken with more oil and spices, then grilling them over charcoal or on an open flame (usually wrapped on skewers). It’s also frequently eaten with rice and/or chips (French fries) as well as grilled vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, potatoes and corn cobs.

Jollof rice and egusi soup, Nigeria

You may have heard that jollof rice is the national dish of Nigeria, but it's also popular in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Liberia. It's a rice dish with tomatoes and ginger. The rice is often cooked with chicken or fish to give it more flavor—and the color you see on your plate! Jollof rice tastes great when eaten with egusi soup (also called agushi), which is a stew made from ground melon seeds called egusi. It's super healthy too because it's packed full of vitamins like A and C.

Jollof rice and egusi soup are both very important parts of Nigerian culture: they're eaten at celebrations like weddings or festivals as well as being served at home every day!

Kapenta with sadza, Zimbabwe

This recipe is a great way to introduce the Zimbabwean staple sadza to your kids. It’s easy to make and the ingredients are cheap and readily available in most supermarkets.

  • Kapenta is a type of fish that comes from Lake Malawi on the African continent. It can also be found in other lakes like Lake Tanganyika, Victoria, Albert and Edward as well as some rivers including Zambezi, Kafue and Lualaba river systems.

  • You can use any type of kapenta for this recipe but it’s important to buy fresh ones because frozen kapenta does not taste good once cooked. If you have access to fresh dried kapenta (also known as bunnyfish), soak them overnight before cooking them in boiling water until they are soft enough that you can squeeze them with your fingers without breaking them apart! This will make sure they don’t overcook when frying later on which makes for an unpleasant mouth-feel when eating fried bunnyfish (the name given by Europeans who first came across this delicacy).

Chambo with nsima, Malawi

  • Chambo is a traditional Malawian dish made of maize meal.

  • It is usually eaten with a side of greens and a vegetable.

  • Chambo can be served with a sauce or gravy, which makes it more popular in Malawi than other parts of Africa.

Namibian venison, Namibia

Namibia is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. It has a population of 2.1 million people and a growing economy. Namibia is bordered by Angola to the south, Zambia to the east, and Botswana to the west.

The most popular dish in Namibia is venison (deer meat). This food is very healthy for your body because it contains many vitamins that help you stay fit and healthy! If you want to learn more about this tasty dish, read below!

Muamba de Galinha, Angola

Muamba de Galinha, or Chicken Muamba, is a traditional Angolan dish made with coconut milk, chilli peppers and onions. The name means “Chicken Muamba” and it’s one of the most popular foods in Africa.

Chef Lorraine: "This is more of an African style coconut curry rather than a Thai curry as we know it."

Zanzibari biryanis and pilaus, Zanzibar

Zanzibari biryanis and pilaus are a staple of the cuisine of Zanzibar. The rice is cooked in coconut milk. One popular dish is koshimbir, which consists of boiled rice, cucumber slices, tomatoes, onions and herbs such as parsley or coriander. Another popular dish is island chicken biryani (biriyanee meeja), marinated in spices and cooked with vegetable curry gravy. A third famous dish from Zanzibar is rotti chammaa (roti chaamia). This combination consists of rotti topped with a layer of chammaa (coconut milk) or a spicy sauce made from tomato sauce or chili sauce mixed with garlic cloves

Nyama na irio, Kenya

Nyama na irio is a Kenyan dish that is made with meat and vegetables. It's typically served with ugali and githeri. It's popular in Kenya, but you can also find it in other African countries including Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. The name means "meat with chili." If you're looking for something spicy to eat while traveling through Africa, this might be what you want!

Nyama na irio can be made using beef, chicken or pork; however some people prefer to use vegetables instead of meat such as zucchini squash or eggplant (aubergine).

Koshari, Egypt

Koshari is a dish of rice, macaroni and lentils that is commonly found in Egypt. It's usually served with fried onions, chili peppers and garlic paste.

It's a common street food in Egypt because it's inexpensive to make, easy to prepare quickly and can be eaten by hand on the go.

Koki – Bean Cake (Cameroon)

Koki is a popular food in Cameroon, and it's made from beans, corn flour and cassava flour. The ingredients are mixed together and then fried in oil until golden brown. It's similar to fufu but with a more cake-like texture (and less gummy).

Chakhchoukha ALGERIA

Chakhchoukha is a traditional Algerian stew made of lamb and chickpeas. It's cooked in a clay pot called a tagine, which is placed over coals. The tagine has two parts: the lid and the body (which you fill with your food). As the clay cooks, it gets hotter than other pots, which means that your food will cook faster.

Gatsby Cape Town

Gatsby Cape Town is a restaurant and bar located in the V&A Waterfront, which is a popular area for tourists. The building was originally built as an oil storage tank, so it kind of looks like one from the outside. When you walk inside, though, you'll find yourself in a beautiful courtyard with palm trees and white tablecloths. The food is French cuisine with a South African twist (think lamb chops with mint jelly). They also have an extensive wine list that includes over 200 different types of wine!

There's also an outdoor terrace where you can enjoy your meal while taking in views of Table Mountain or Robben Island.


As you can see, there are so many different types of foods in Africa. And these are just a few examples. If you want to sample the rest for yourself, come on down!


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