Charlize Theron reacts after saying that his mother tongue is

#africa #celebrities #charlizetheron #continentsandregions
CNN - Oscar -winning actress Charlize Theron faced violent criticism in South Africa after saying that its mother tongue is a dören dying language ”. The “Monster” and “Tully” star commented on Monday's “Smartless” Podcast's section and said that the language he was talking about disappeared. The 47 -year -old Theron, who explained that he learned to speak English fluently when he moved to the United States only at the age of 19, said Africaans was still about 44 people. “A definitely dying language is not a very useful language, Jason said Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes and Will Arnett. Theon's words soon launched a social media debate in South Africa. Some of them branded that Africaans were a “ language .. "Charlize Theron is a legend!" A Twitter commentator wrote. “Indeed, Africanans is a language. It belongs to the past. A tool used to crush Africans once. " Another Twitter user said: “This statement was made by Charlize Theron to appease Hollywood. I don't agree with him. As in all other languages, Africanans should be protected. " Tim Theron, a South African actor and director who has no relationship with Theron, commented under a clip of Podcast shared on Instagram: uz We are proud of Charlize and everything he has achieved… But we are also proud of our diversity and Africaans is surprisingly. And our beautiful official languages. “This is not a 'dying language' and not only by 44 people. It is spoken by millions of people, there are new songs and poems written every day, movies and so on. CNN contacted Theon's representatives for more comments. On Thursday, the Pan South African Language Board , which was established to encourage multi -tongue in the country, responded to Theon's “disturbing” interpretations with a statement showing that Africaans were the third most talked about language. “These comments made by Mrs. Theron, Africaans, only 60% of people -speaking people are black because they cannot be further away than the facts, the white 'boeere' is constantly mistaken that the South Africans are spoken by.” Pansalb added that Theron was kept with the highest respect by South Africa, and added that he should continue to praise the platform to emphasize some of the critical socioeconomic problems affecting the continent. mother tongue." Asia contains words from Malay, Malagasy, Khoi, San, Xhosa, French and Portuguese.
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