ETHIOPIANS ARE NOT AFRICANS ?!?!- Since When ? Lets Explore this!

ETHIOPIANS ARE NOT AFRICANS It is very shocking to check peoples videos on the tube and realize that Ethiopians in Africa do not consider themselves as africans
it is a very interesting phenomenon for a West African. So i decided to do some research and digging to see if this a new thing or an old thing. A-lot of Ethiopians do consider themselves as Africans. This video is just to address those who don't and try to explain why i think they don't. I believe that the Ethiopian people are a people who are very proud in who they are. They Love their Heritage as africans and thats a characteristic i love about them. This video is not to offend anybody, but rather just give my two sense on why i think some older and perhaps younger Ethiopians don't consider themselves Africans or even Black( The N word). There is nothing wrong in identifying as who you want to Identify as, i am a big proponent of loving who you are and not changing your views if you believe they are correct so please don't look at this as an attempt to change your mind on anything cause this video is made light heartedly and for Fun.

#Ethiopians #Africans #AfricatotheWorld
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