Ghost Fishing Gear: The Global Problem and the Global Solution

This webinar originally aired on April 10, 2018.

Each year, worldwide, millions of animals living in our oceans are mutilated and killed by abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear – ‘ghost gear’. These animals suffer severe acute or chronic welfare impacts; ranging from drowning in minutes to suffering from debilitating wounds for months or years before finally dying.

In 2014, World Animal Protection launched its Sea Change campaign with the Fishing’s Phantom Menace report, highlighting that cross-sectoral global collaboration was the only way to combat ghost gear. In 2015, World Animal Protection launched the Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI), bringing together a critical group of stakeholders and experts on this topic. The GGGI addresses sea-based sources of marine debris, specifically abandoned, lost, and discarded fishing gear, and contributes to the delivery of the first target (14.1) under United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14, calling for a significant reduction in marine debris of all kinds by 2025.

Now, as we head into 2018, join us to hear about how the GGGI’s three working groups – Building Evidence, Best Practice, and Solutions – have played a key role in formulating a global approach and strategy to tackling this deadly issue, and working towards ghost gear-free seas.

Presented by Ingrid Giskes (Chair of the Global Ghost Gear Initiative Steering Group, and Head of Campaign for Sea Change, World Animal Protection), David Parker (Blue Ventures, and Vice-Chair of the Global Ghost Gear Initiative), and Joan Drinkwin (Associate Partner, Natural Resource Consultants).

Webinar cosponsored by MarineDebris.Info and the EBM Tools Network (co-coordinated by NatureServe and OCTO).
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