Mavin International Men's Day 2022 - Toxic masculinity must go!

Men grow up being told that boys don’t cry and dolls are for girls. We were told that we must hide our feelings and anxieties, that our masculinity must constantly be proven. That we must be the breadwinners and the romantic pursuers. This has never been good for the culture.

In Life, the most important lesson I continue to learn is that we have to give people a chance to grow. No one is born pre-programmed to deal with society and the way it constantly evolves. We learn and then we grow.

You’re no less of a man if you like traditionally feminine things. Being violent or aggressive, doesn’t display how powerful or strong you are as a Man.

Who told you, as a man it’s wrong to cry? It doesn’t make you any less of a man to express your feelings and emotions.

You only get one life, and it’s your responsibility as a man to live it with happiness.

However, as men, we can only make a difference if we can have open and frank conversations about our difficulties and challenges.

As Men of Mavin, we’ve collectively chosen to shatter the stereotypes, by being positive role models for all the young boys out there.

Men of quality do not fear equality & you can be masculine without being Toxic.

Our society needs real masculinity in order to thrive, there is no better feeling than being your authentic self. If we owe our boys, men and ourselves a better world then Toxic masculinity must go!

#mavin #internationalmensday
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