Yes, the mentality of depopulating Africa and Africans is out there. They have used medical resources in the past to do so. White South Africans for example, did resource to vaccination as a way of spreading HIV in Southern Africa because the believe was that HIV would kill people in a very short period of time. There are documentaries on that.
But, when it comes to medical trials, we have to thing about something else, other than the desire to depopulate Africans.

If an unethical trial makes its way to Africa and succeeds, there are many factors involved but the accents should be laid on the African leaders who allow the execution of such trials. For example, in 1996, Pfizer, the giant American pharmaceutical company ran to Nigeria, to a very poor state called Kano, to trial an untested oral drug called trovan, in children, without informed consent of their parents, without them being warned of the risks of taking the drug.

Why that particular state? Because there was an epidemic and they found it easy to conduct their research in such an “insignificant” location, where local authorities easily accept bribery in exchange of human lives. So, the children and their families were in a vulnerable situation and there comes the white man, the saviours of all, to administer drugs on a humanitarian frame. Now, mind you, unethical trials happen everywhere, where there are vulnerable groups of people that almost have no other choice. It happens in Japan, China and even in the US.

This was an example of unethical trial.

Ethical trials: there’s informed consent on the side of the volunteers; these volunteers usually get the medication for free, or subsidised once it becomes available, they are informed of risks and they are checked on a regular basis to see how they are reacting to the experimental drugs, etc.
A few months back, there was an uproar against two French doctors who suggested that coronavirus should be tested on Africans. “Africans are not guinea pigs”, you could hear and read everywhere.

Now, let’s talk about medical trial phases first:

Before any clinical trial occurs, there’s animal trial:
1- Animal trials – this happens in labs with usually, mice is the animal that is used, to see if it gets immune response. If it does, we start clinical trials
2- Clinical trials – consists of three phases, in which humans are trialled.
Phase 1 – involving a small group of people (usually in several dozen), usually volunteers, to test the safety of the various doses;
Phase 2- more people are involved. These people usually have similar characteristics with those to whom the vaccine is intended. So, in case of coronavirus, must be anyone, but in case of chicken pox, would be children, for example.
Phase 3 – administered on thousands of people, to see its efficacy and safety.
The trial that just happened in South Africa, was phase three and all the volunteers were well informed, because this is the 2020, the age of internet, perhaps?

Trials are being conducted in the UK, Brazil… for this specific vaccine.

Do you know how many vaccines are being trialled around the world? 20 something. And the Oxford University one was the first one entering the continent of Africa.
Do you know how many vaccine candidates are queuing, undergoing stringent scrutiny? More than 200 hundred.
China is trialling many vaccines in China, US, Germany and so on are doing the same.
All this to say that we should compartmentalise our hate. We should separate things into their own baskets.
It’s also on the local governments to stop assuming that the white man is just good and Godly, and whatever comes from him, is good and blessed!
Put the right arsenal in place; equip yourself with the best mechanisms to avoid being dubbed, while choosing the best partners.

University of Witwatersrand, Oxford Jenner Institute, Racist doctors, South African apartheid apologists, injecting HIV, Coronavirus Surge, African Governments, Nigerian corruption, Meningitis, Pfizer
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