Traces | Chokka Throw Bait

Chokka Throw bait for targeting big Kob.

"This is my favourite trace" said Ray. And for good reason! A bait presentation any Michelin Chef would be proud to call a dish.

Watch the whole video with attention as there are some hidden gems along the way, tips and tricks from the Trace Guru, Ray Thompson.

This video comes with a time warning: It's just shy of 30 minutes... but a half hour well worth it if catching big Kob is something you're into.

Note: Every component you see in this video is available from our Kingfisher branches across KZN and from any leading tackle store Nationwide.

Here is a link to Rays Tips & Tricks on how to tie a Figure 8 knot:

And if you want to watch the Species video on the Kob and its family, click on this link:

Tight lines!
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